The Bay Park Conservancy
2023 Annual Report
2023 Year in Review
Since the beginning, these Guiding Principles are the touchstone of every idea, design, decision and action at The Bay. 2023 results and continued progress of the park are no exception.

One Park for All
Enables community aspirations to become an everyday reality. The Bay is free and welcoming, open and accessible to the full and rich diversity of the community, now and for generations to come.
park guests visited since opening in October 2022.
people participated in at least one FREE event in 2023.
2.5 million
Connections were made with those in the community through outreach meetings, communications (e.g. newsletters, social) and in the park.
Through December 2023

Transforms what is mostly parking lot into a dynamic public park along Sarasota Bay.
Sarasota City Commission approved $48 million in Phase 2 TIF-backed Bond financing and approved a Comprehensive Plan for the entire 53-acre site. (April-May 2023)
City Commission approved the Updated Master Plan (November 20, 2023)
Design of Phase 2 began which continues to create a “ring” of park greenspace around the site. Specifically, Phase 2 includes:
The continuation of a living, resilient shoreline (along the western edge),
A new seawall and addition of day docks (north of 10th Street),
A revitalized front door of the park, which connects historic buildings with a stunning tree-lined Promenade and a vibrant Town Square (along North Tamiami Trail to the east),
A Sunset Pier provides 360-degree views over Sarasota Bay (in the southwest corner of the park).

Blue & Green Oasis
Conserves, preserves, restores and transforms 53 acres of precious city-owned land along Sarasota Bay into a blue and green oasis.
70 million+
gallons of polluted stormwater from nearby N. Tamiami Trail, from east of the Trail, and from the rest of the site itself were treated in the park before flowing into Sarasota Bay.
24 acres
of greenspace were meticulously maintained – including golf-course quality lawns and thousands of Florida-friendly trees and plants.
Good to Be Green Month (March ’23), Earth Day, and EverGREEN Days at The Bay (December ’23) were celebrated in the park.

A Beloved Gathering Place
Is an enlivened destination that encourages people to come together, to share with family and friends, to enjoy being with nature and to experience new and favorite activities – something for everyone to enjoy – all for free.
of park guests indicated they will return.
of event participants rated events as Excellent/ Very Good.
people attended The Bay Turns One! First Anniversary five-day celebration that included 30+ “Best of The Bay” free offerings: concerts, a Boo! Halloween family event, a Multicultural festival, and the Taste of The Bay food festival.

Community of Partnerships
Partners with countless citizens, partners, foundations, businesses, government and others who contribute their time, talents, hard work and hard-earned money to help ensure the aspirations of the community are realized every day at The Bay.
In the fifth of a 15-year Long-Term Partnership Agreement, The Bay Park Conservancy and City of Sarasota Public-Private partnership helps enable financial and operational sustainability, and transparent decision making.
Sarasota’s local foundations steadfastly support The Bay.
107 Founding Business Partners help support ongoing free programming for all.
A high-caliber, networked team of more than 150 consultants, contractors and partner-providers added expertise, capabilities, experience and talents to design, build, operate, maintain and program this signature public park.

Sustainable in Every Way
Great parks help make great cities. The Bay is a signature public park that is financially feasible, operationally doable, and environmentally sustainable – built and operated to last for generations to come.
of Phase 2 design and development is funded by a TIF-Backed City Bond ($48 million) and Government Grants ($17 million).
Friends of The Bay to date.
$13.6 million
in total contributions and other 2023 revenue.
The Bay Park Conservancy small and mighty team of 11 members focused on improving effectiveness and efficiency as they operated the park in its first full year.

Awards & Accolades
In 2023, The Bay received several notable awards including:
Best New Park for Kids, Kayaking and Anything, Really! (Sarasota Magazine’s The Best of Sarasota 2023: Editor’s Picks)
The prestigious Florida American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA) Frederic B. Stresau Award recognizing innovation and design excellence